What are the two forms available to complete?
By filling out the Dues Checkoff and Membership forms, you are ensuring that you have all the benefits of TWU membership, and that you are meeting your financial obligations in a timely manner in the most convenient way.
These forms can be printed (by clicking the link below). Please complete and then send to our Local office at the following address:
TWU Local 577
ATTN: Accounting
4535 W. Russell Rd., Suite 11
Las Vegas, NV 89118
While we currently only accept physical copies of these forms, we are working to get an electronic version available for easier processing.
How much are our dues?
Currently our dues are $38.75 per month. It is important to recognize what makes TWU different from other unions is that under our Constitution, 70% of dues are then turned back over to your local to meet their expenses. Our dues will increase annually on the Date of Signing anniversary of our current CBA (April 15th) in accordance with our TWU Local 577 bylaws.
Do I have to pay anything if I choose to become a non-member?
Yes, non-members pay what is called a Service Charge or Agency Fee. All Flight Attendants must comply with Section 29 of the CBA.
What is the difference between being a member and non-member?
In addition to being fully covered and protected by the contract, members enjoy all the benefits and privileges of membership including the ability to be able to attend Union meetings, nominate officers, run for office, hold office, and vote for officers, contracts, and such other Union business as comes before membership, including during local union meetings. Also, there are other benefits of being a member of TWU like eligibility to participate in the “Union Privilege Program,” which can be found at www.unionplus.org and eligibility to participate in the TWU-wide drawing for Michael Quill scholarships for children of members, just to name two.
Non-members receive the full protection of the contract. However, they are not able to attend Union meetings, nominate officers, run for office, hold office, or vote for officers, vote on contracts, or participate in other business of the Union.
If I choose not to join the Union, what is the Service Charge/Agency Fee for a Non-Member and how much will it be?
This Service Charge or Agency Fee is the amount of money that non-members who object to paying full union dues are required to pay for the legally “chargeable” expenses of the Union, such as collective bargaining costs. It is often referred to as paying your “fair share” for the benefits and services received from the Union, or — as in the Checkoff Authorization Card — as the “service charge” due to the Union. Based on the most recent audit of TWU in 2024, the Agency Fee/Service Charge for Allegiant Flight Attendants would be 74.67% of the dues amount, or $28.93 per month through March 2025. Starting in April 2025, the Agency Fee/Service Charge will be adjusted to $29.80/month due to the increase in Membership Dues. The auditor’s report can be found HERE and The TWU Agency Fee Policy, which sets forth in detail all procedures relevant to becoming an Objector/Fee Payer, can be viewed HERE.
Even if you go this route, you must still authorize your dues deduction, by either completing your Dues Check-off form or by timely remitting payment manually to TWU each month, as discussed below.
What alternative do I have to completing the Dues Check-Off form?
For both members and non-members, the Dues Check-Off form is the most convenient way to have the required dues or Service Charge/Agency Fee automatically deducted from your paycheck, and to avoid falling behind on your payments. However, you may elect to remit your timely payment manually by mailing a check or money order to TWU each month. Your check must be made out to “TWU Local 577,” and include your name, employee number, and a reference to Allegiant. Until further notice, the mailing address for such payments is:
TWU Local 577
ATTN: Accounting
4535 W. Russell Rd., Suite 11
Las Vegas, NV 89118
Your payment must be received by the 15th of each month. You remain responsible for complying with the TWU Constitution and Section 29 of the CBA.
If you elect to remit your timely payment manually, please email the current Financial Secretary-Treasurer for Local 577 at accounting@twu577.org for further information on how to ensure you still complete your membership application and enjoy the full benefits of Union membership!
What if I do nothing?
Remember: failure to submit a Dues Check-Off form will NOT relieve you of your obligation to make the required dues or Service Charge/Agency Fee payments. Failure to make required timely payments could lead to termination as Section 29 of the CBA provides.
If I don’t sign up for Dues Check-Off, or submit a timely manual payment, will I still owe dues/service charges?
Yes. Failure to submit a check-off form will NOT relieve you of your obligation to make the required dues or service charge payments. If dues are not remitted, you will be in arrears until you satisfy the amount you owe.
If I don’t sign up, will Allegiant subtract dues from my check anyway?
No. Under the CBA, we must submit a form signed by each Flight Attendant before Allegiant will deduct dues from your paycheck. However, you will be considered in arrears if your fees are not submitted on a timely basis. Review Section 29 in the CBA for additional language regarding non-payment.